
Crazy for Crayola Reading List

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Crazy for Crayola Recommended Reading List


VHS Children REA- Reading Rainbow: How Much is a Million?

Viewers visit the Crayola factory in Pennsylvania to see how millions of crayons are made and go to New Jersey's Giants Stadium to see how the stadium crew and concession vendors prepare for a giant crowd. The book How much is a million? by David Schwartz is read, and three other books are reviewed, including One hundred hungry ants by Elinor J. Pinczes, Only one, by Mark Harshman, and How many stars in the sky? by Lenny Hort.


J CD 781.582 SIL- Crayola Music Collection: Silly Songs



E RYA- The Crayon Counting Book by Pam Munoz Ryan

Rhyming text and illustrations use crayons of different colors to teach counting, first by even numbers and then odd.


E BEA- I ain't gonna paint no more! by Karen Beaumont

In the rhythm of a familiar folk song, a child cannot resist adding one more dab of paint in surprising places.



J 372.5 HEN- Using color in your art! : choosing colors for impact & pizzazz by Sandi Henry



E WOO- The deep blue sea : a book of colors by Audrey Wood

Introduces various colors by presenting a colorful scene on a rock in the deep blue sea.



E EDW- Warthogs paint : a messy color book by Pamela Duncan Edwards

As some warthogs spend a rainy day painting their kitchen, they make a mess and learn about mixing colors.


J 372.5 PRE-ArtStarts for little hands! : fun & discoveries for 3- to 7-year olds by Judy Press

Presents a variety of art projects and related activities grouped around such themes as the family, animals, nature, transportation, color, and more.


E HUB- My crayons talk by Patricia Hubbard

Brown crayon sings "Play, Mud pie day," and Blue crayon calls "Sky, Swing so high" in this story about talking crayons.


J 743 EMB- Drawing book of animals by Ed Emberley

Explains how to use a few simple shapes, letters, numbers, and symbols to draw almost any animal.



J 745.5 THO- The ultimate book of kid concoctions by John E. Thomas

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